New Review Article Published in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest review article titled “Muscle Wasting: Emerging Pathways and Potential Drug Targets” in the prestigious Trends in Pharmacological Sciences journal. Our review article has been prominently featured on the cover of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, highlighting its significance and impact in the field.  In this comprehensive review, we delve into the critical issue of muscle wasting, a pervasive comorbidity linked to various disorders such as cancer, kidney disease, heart failure, and aging. The debilitating loss of skeletal muscle mass not only profoundly impacts prognosis and survival but also significantly diminishes the quality of life, often manifesting as frailty. Despite dedicated clinical trials aimed at combating muscle wasting, the results have been disappointingly limited, with some treatments showing improvements in muscle mass but failing to translate into noticeable enhancements in physical performance.

Our review article takes a deep dive into the emerging pathways that intricately regulate muscle atrophy, spotlighting the significance of oncostatin M (OSM) and ectodysplasin A2 (EDA2) receptor (EDA2R) signaling. Moreover, we meticulously scrutinize the outcomes of recent clinical trials, shedding light on their implications and limitations. Perhaps most excitingly, we outline potential drug targets that hold promise for future therapeutic interventions in tackling muscle wasting. As the pursuit of effective treatments gains momentum, our review aims to catalyze research efforts and inspire innovative strategies to enhance the quality of life for individuals grappling with muscle wasting and its associated challenges.

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